Share the Joy: Weddings

Ah, weddings!
Such a hopeful occasion,
a commitment to take the "now" of love
into the future.

In this particular case,
the groom was the son of one of my best friends,
Gail, shown above with her husband Dick.
I think that's a good reason for joy.

It was held in a rooftop venue in the Sodo area
(for you non-Seattleites, Sodo is a term meaning
south of the dome, the former Kingdome
which was demolished years ago
to make way for the new stadium
in which the Seahawks and Sounders play football,
both American-style and Euro-style.
It's across the street and a bit east of Safeco Field,
home of the Seattle Mariners.)

That's a long way of getting around to saying
that there was a spectacular view of downtown,
and Puget Sound off to the west. 
The building flying the flag 
is the headquarters of Starbuck's.

You may not get the drift of the wedding
from this pic of the groom,
but it had a Lego theme. 
The colors were Lego green and blue.
Geoff's tie bar is a Lego one.

And, as you can tell from the pic of
Geoff and his bride, Erin 
as they flank the minister 
during the vows part of the ceremony,
the bride wore vintage raw silk in Lego green.

The minister told the story of their first date.
They went to an Animé convention together.
And apparently knew early on on the dating cycle
that they'd met their Nerd Soul Mate.

In addition to the mostly-traditional vows
(they promised each other a lifetime of
random acts of music as well as to love and cherish)
their friends and family helped cement
the contract of a lifetime marriage
with a hand-fasting ceremony.

Dancing, feasting, and music followed,
as did a Lego wedding cake. 

What gave you JOY this week? 
What moments thrill you?
Make you grin?

Notice it.
Cultivate it.
Celebrate it.

Share it.

1. do a post that tells and shows what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into 
the Mr. Linky box along with your info.

3. Visit other players and let their joy infect you.
Leave them a comment because everyone
 enJOYS getting positive feedback.

Let's keep the epidemic of JOY going!


Hazel said…
Here's to 'now' in the future! Best wishes to the lovely bride and congratulations to the groom. I love looking at wedding images no matter where or how different they are from my orientation of weddings. The bride's dress nailed my attention as soon as you mentioned 'vintage.' And it's green! I have seen blue and purple, even black, but this is the first time I saw green. Wonderful!

What a beautiful wedding that must have been. I lived in the area many years ago when the Kingdome was still standing. I can't seem to get an image on my linky thingy. I've tried 3 different ways.
4 Lettre Words said…
What a joyous occasion indeed! Beautiful!
Leovi said…
What beautiful photos! Yes, I love this beautiful wedding ...!
Kim Mailhot said…
Now that is a personalized and creative wedding ! How marvelous ! Wedding joy indeed !
Happy Thursday, Awesome One !
Kim Mailhot said…
Now that is a personalized and creative wedding ! How marvelous ! Wedding joy indeed !
Happy Thursday, Awesome One !
Karen said…
A lovely wedding venue, and a unique ceremony! Celebrating their love in their own way, marvellous!
Anonymous said…
Hello, Meri,

Congratulations to your friend's son. The theme was quite interesting, and really put a smile on my face. A joyous occasion, indeed.

Oops, I apologize for linking up twice, but I didn't know how to change the url post from last week's so I had to link with just my regular url.

Blessings for more joy,
Unknown said…
That was beautiful Meri. Congrats to your friends. I love Seattle. I am really big on Grey's Anatomy and another series I just watched taking place in Seattle. Wish I could visit there one day.
Thanks for sharing their JOY.
Anonymous said…
Oops. I hit the wrong button and gone was my comment. Into cyberspace.

LOVE your header photo - that is awesome -

Thoroughly enjoyed your post. I read about your meme on Marianne's blog Leisure Lane and came by to "meet" you.

Love the phrase "nerd soul mate" I think that's what you said.

Cute couple. Lovely ceremony.

I lived on Whidbey Island back in the mid 1970's and LOVED it. Miss it. Sigh.

Enjoyed "meeting" you. Congratulations to the couple, families and friends (you).

Thanks, Jenn
Anonymous said…
oh I love how young people are incorporating what really makes them happy into their wedding ceremonies!!!

what an incredible venue!! JOYous indeed!

My daughters good friend was married the past weekend and the grooms had boutonnieres (sp??) made of fishing flies, very creative!

happy weekend Meri!
Sandy K. said…
What great fun - and I love the hand-fasting element. We are attending two weddings this week - both are children of close friends - and love the celebration of this next generation. Thank you for this lovely reminder that people can find their soul-mates in very interesting places/ways:). Happy Weekend!

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