Share the Joy Thursday

Too many balls in the air!

Between reading and writing assignments
for my Memoir Writing class and
working on Finally Me articles,

I totally forgot to Share the Joy.

What gives you JOY?

To play along and share YOUR joy:

1. do a post that tells and shows us
 what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post 
and paste it into the Mr. Linky box along with your name.

3. Then click the NEXT box
If the "next" box doesn't pop up, click the link
to go to the page to select your image --
choose one from your post so you'll entice people to visit.

(If you just can't get it to work, email me
and give me the URL of the post you're adding
and I'll take care of it).

4. visit other players -- as many as possible -- 
and let their joy infect you.  

5. Leave them a comment about their post
because everyone enJOYs getting positive feedback.

Let's start an epidemic of joy!


Dawn Elliott said…
Oh Meri...
I know that most women can relate to the feeling of going in too many directions at once! Your activities sound wonderful...enjoy!
rebecca said…
good morning dear one!
meri, neri, meri, the quintessential woman of substance! sending you love and perhaps a bit of rest. thanks for all you do. make sure you take time for replenishing along the way!
deb did it said…
None of us can forget the JOY of gathering here every week to share our JOY with each other!! xoxoxo
Unknown said…
Ahh...the seasons we cycle through.
Busy, calm, busy, calm.
I've finally realized that 'busy' is my norm and 'calm' is rare,
so I try to savor the 'calm' when it happens.
(also, my linkup keeps disappearing, so here is the link: )
Kim Mailhot said…
Joy in being busy. Too busy to post about my joy, but not too busy to stop and wish you a JOY filled Thursday, Miss Meri !
Light and love !
Unknown said…
Oh dear sista, have I ever been there. In the twilight of my years I know better but still want to be involved in any thing creative that comes along. I sometime forget my favorite memes. Thanks for all your work and inspiration.
I am so thrilled that the linky thingy has been simplified! Maybe that's because you are so pressured to do so many things??? Whatever the reason, know that the simplified linking process brings me GREAT JOY!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
It's a good thing to be juggling many wonderful things...

but, like Deb said, we can't forget our JOY full date with you.
tami said…
i am so happy you are busy and joyful! hope you have time for YOU!
My Google account is acting up. This is my third time to try leaving a comment. Thanks for offering us joy, even if you do have lots of balls in the air.
I missed you...and thought that Thursdays will be less joyful without your STJT! So glad that you're here, Meri. Stay cool and collected, and you'll be able to juggle and not drop a ball!
Relyn Lawson said…
I had to write a joyful post today because I was feeling grumpish. Works every time.
Your pictures are beautiful! I posted about water also. This is my first time link to your party, thank you. Will be your newest follower, Laura Cottage and Broome
i miss you and these thursdays too
i am so heading to read Kim and Deb contributions

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