Playing with Camera Bag

Last night, after eating a bit of chicken with cashews
and perusing my fortune
"You will soon have a musical opportunity"
and wondering what that was about
since I'm not American Idol material,
though I do sing along in the car 
with the songs on the CD player

Luxor Spirits © 2010 Meri Arnett- Kremian

I moseyed upstairs to my little hideaway
and decided to play a bit with a new photo program
I'd installed called Camera Bag.

variant using "Cinema" filter

I heard about the program from Nina Bagley a while ago
and paid a reasonable price to download it.

variant using "Holga" pinhole camera filter

Camera Bag lets you pretend
that you've used old-fashioned cameras
instead of the fancy digital models we all use.

variant using custom filter "matte", then adjusting the hue in PS4

So I took an image --- two photos that I'd layered --
(the original version is the first in the series)
and just experimented.

variant using "Lolo" filter

In a really old post, I once talked about layering
images, one atop another, and being surprised
when I printed the "merged image"
to find spectral figures.

 variant using an "expired instant film" filter
This experiment with Camera Bag emphasizes that.
What's intriguing to me is that I see different spirits
in different versions of the same piece.

variant using 1974 color film filter

How is that possible?


beth said…
i see a spirit being chased.....what's that mean ?
camera bag sure sounds fun....wonderful manipulations and are so clever
~JarieLyn~ said…
I really love this effect. It looks like a lot of fun.
Eryl said…
I have no idea how it's possible but some of the differences are really quite astonishing.

You make me want to get myself a proper big-girl's camera, but I know it would be wasted on me and, anyway, I should spend the money on getting the roof fixed before the winter.
Naquillity said…
sounds like you've come across some nice software in Camera Bag. love the images its produced. hope you continue to have fun with Camera Bag. have a great night.
steven said…
hey meri - i like the layering and especially the unexpected details that emerge from the juxtapositions. steven
Meri said…
Thanks Naquillity and Steven. Camera Bag is lots of fun for $19.
rebecca said…
you continue to inspire!
kt said…
very cool effects Meri. I can't wait to see more.
Relyn Lawson said…
I love your passionate commitment to your creative pursuits.

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