Mosaic Monday: Faces

He had a face like a blessing.
- Miguel de Cervantes

Every time you smile at someone,
it is an action of love,
a gift to that person,
a beautiful thing.

- Mother Teresa

Be a blessing.
Give the gift of your smile.

For lots of reasons to smile,
visit Mary at Dear Little Red House
and see all the Monday Mosaics.


ellen b said…
Ahh....these are lovely faces...
Hi Meri,

Smiles - a universal language!

A smile uses less muscle then a frown and when you smile someone smiles with you. Wonderful mosaic.
pam said…
What a wonderful mosaic!
rebecca said…
thank you for blessing me!

Mary said…
What a lovely thought, and some truly beautiful faces! Thanks for sharing at MM> :)
Unknown said…
Beautiful mosaic.... A smile can brighten everyone's day. Not just the receiver of the smile, but the giver as well. Have a wonderful smile filled week.
susan said…
I love love love this--and the music is perfect with it!
susan said…
Ps-I think that might have been Mary's music--but it was Louis Armstrong's "Wonderful World" :)
steven said…
what a lovely gathering! they make me smile. steven
Pondside said…
It's hard not to smile back! I am doing just that.
Meri said…
Ellen B - all faces are lovely, I think, from the brand-new faces of babies to the wrinkliest faces of the over-100 club. And the best photos of faces are ones where the eyes are smiling, not just the mouth.

Rebecca - good morning, woman of the smiling heart.

Steven and Pondside - seeing a smile, even in photographs, just naturally makes us smile in return. And smiling sets off really beneficial chemical reactions in the brain. All for something so simple!
kt said…
powerful mosaic today meri!
eileeninmd said…
Lovely smiling faces, and photos! Great mosaic!
deb did it said…
this beautiful post will make me smile in my sleep tonight!
Naquillity said…
i think a smile can go a long way too Meri. this collage is wonderful. i'm always trying to smile or hug someone... it just comes natural to me, i guess. hope all is well. have a great day.
Anonymous said…
beautiful faces. my favourite would be the bottom right hand one.

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