Mosaic Monday: I Love Pink!

Sorry to be such a slowpoke 
getting this posted.
I've been a little under the weather
(an ear infection trying to take over)
but still running hither and yon.

I thought this would put all of us
-- me included --
in the pink.

For more Mosaic Monday fun, click HERE.

Top: art glass by Dale Chihuly, Tacoma's Bridge of Glass

Center: (from left) door in Edfu, Egypt; 
blooms in Seattle garden;
poster in window of University of Washington bookstore;

Bottom: antique pitchers and vases, 
bike at Hello Cupcake in Tacoma


Hi Meri,

The vintage pink glass pitchers are my favorite - such a wonderful shade! Your mosaic is great!

In the pink, I am! Thank you, Meri!
beth said…
gosh i hope you're feeling better.....
Eryl said…
How right you were! Hope you're ok now, ear infections are nasty.
Meri said…
Thanks everyone for the good wishes. Ear infections are the pits!
Pondside said…
That definitely put me in the pink - but I hope your ear isn't pink any longer, and that you're feeling lots better.
rebecca said…
lovely, so soft and full of promise.
sending you get well flowers and a hot cup of tea.

Beautiful mosaic in pink, hope the ear is feeling better. Take care.

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