Share the Joy

What gives me joy?


"Affirmative" by MeriMagic (Meri Arnett-Kremian) on Polyvore.

only to those things that
ignite my curiosity,
fan the flames of my passion
or hold some seed of possibility
I find worth planting
given other demands on my time.

That's been a hard lesson for me to learn.
For too long, I said yes reflexively.
To almost anything and anyone.
That's an invitation for burn-out.

One of the wisdom gifts of getting older
is discernment.

What gives you JOY?

Share the Joy. 

1. do a post that tells and shows what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into 
the Mr. Linky box along with your info.

3. Visit other players and let their joy infect you.
Leave them a comment because everyone
 enJOYS getting positive feedback.

Let's start an epidemic of JOY!


Unknown said…
Meri your old soul is showing. We only find our old soul by digging deep within. Blessings
Hi Meri; such a great idea for a linky party. There is always something that gives me happiness.
Anonymous said…
Love this image...and wisdom
deb did it said…
Meri...don't you dare let that bright light burn out.
You are a beacon for so many
Hazel said…
Saying yes reflexively is likely part of human nature. I love that I get to read this today - "One of the wisdom gifts of getting older is discernment." And what beautiful art! I love it.
very lovely pic! thanx for hosting :)
Lovely picture! Yes is too easy to say sometimes and said to keep from being asked, "Why not?" Thank you for this reflection! Cathy
I totally agree with you...a great gift we are given is discernment as we age...Now why can't we have this when we are younger?
Unknown said…
So wise and spot on, I love your musing. Thank you for sharing and hosting the party.
Leovi said…
Yes, I like the composition, exquisite, like your self.
Kim Mailhot said…
Saying yes and no, simply usuing my true voice...working on that still.
Your art brings me joy and so does your friendship.
Happy Thursday, Amazing One!
Anonymous said…
I spent a little time working on my calligraphy today, it brings me joy!
Laura said…
beautiful poem and art Meri, you are indeed a bright spot for us all:-)

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