Share the Joy: Reading

I always find JOY
when I'm surrounded by

When I was a little girl,
my mother worked in a college library.
I have memories of going to the library
and sitting on the floor,
looking at children's books.

Later she worked in the main library branch
in the town where we lived.
At nine or ten, I was given special permission
to read grown-up books 
because I'd pretty much read my way through
the age-appropriate stuff.

It's a great joy to me that my three grown children
are all confirmed bibliophiles.

What gives you JOY?

Share the Joy. 

1. do a post that tells and shows what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into 
the Mr. Linky box along with your info.

3. Visit other players and let their joy infect you.
Leave them a comment because everyone
 enJOYS getting positive feedback.

Let's start an epidemic of JOY!


Hazel said…
This image alone gives me so much joy! What would we be without reading? A nice Thursday to you, Meri, and thanks for hosting such a nice meme.
4 Lettre Words said…
Books are a big part of my life!
Jenn Valmonte said…
I have so many books to read, and I miss it!
Unknown said…
I love to read and travel and and and. ... :)
Thanks for the party Meri, have a great weekend.
Your story board on reading is wonderful...books is a huge love for me...matter of fact I received over 15 books for christmas. Everyone knows how dear they are to my heart. This weeks joy bring me to taking my first trip to the zoo with my grandson.
Your story board on reading is wonderful...books is a huge love for me...matter of fact I received over 15 books for christmas. Everyone knows how dear they are to my heart. This weeks joy bring me to taking my first trip to the zoo with my grandson.
deb did it said…
oh my friend!
Come to the Sea and read to me.
Kim Mailhot said…
Love the feel of books and the incredible places our minds go as we read. A true joy !
Happy Thursday, Awesome One !
Leovi said…
I definitely love reading, is very useful in life.
Anonymous said…
Oh yes, nothing quite like a great book...unless it's the next great book.

Life long love of reading here too. Thank you for hosting, a please to join in as well as check out others who have posted.

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