Setting an Intention

I absolutely love this
Mary Oliver quote.

Often, it takes a while to adjust to darkness,
to let your eyes and heart soften
until you see the gift. . . 
nearly invisible at first,
perhaps only existing as possibility,
as intention,
as miracle unfolding.

I have been thinking about that lately,
as I begin work on a presentation
about the emotional aspects of divorce.

Some people, of course, see divorce
as the light at the end of the tunnel.
For others, however, divorce is

My intention for this presentation,
to be offered free to new divorce clients
at select family law specialty firms
in my geographic area,
is to help those people who feel like
all the light in their lives has vanished,
like they have entered a zone marked
"Without Hope,"
to reorient themselves.

To realize their feet are, indeed,
on the ground
and they know
which way is up.

To help them find the light
that will illuminate their unique path,
so they can forge ahead
one step at a time.


Kim Mailhot said…
That interplay of light and dark is the real stuff of this life, isn't it, Meri ?
It is wonderful that you will be sharing what you have learned with these people in flux.
Here's to knowing which way is up !
foxysue said…
Bless the light that came out of your 'box of darkness'. x

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