Share the Joy: Writing

 I was so busy writing today
that I completely forgot to tackle Share the Joy.

Do I need to say that writing is a source of joy?

So is meditating

   and listening to that voice whispering within
that tells me what I need to know.

What gives you joy?

1. do a post that tells and shows what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into 
the Mr. Linky box along with your info.

3. Then click the NEXT box (or the time) to choose an image
 from the post to insert in Mr. Linky's list
 so people get a sneak peek. 

(And if you just can't get it to work, 
email me and I'll try to link it for you.)

4. Visit other players and let their joy infect you.
Leave them a comment because everyone
 enJOYS getting positive feedback.

Let's start an epidemic of JOY!


4 Lettre Words said…
I think that's the perfect choice!
Anonymous said…
I'm finding JOY in visiting here...has been a while.

deb did it said…
not sure what kind of joy is the above comment...but I am always full of JOY when I visit you here Meri...and everywhere!
~write on Sister!~
Unknown said…
Yes Meditating is a source of JOY to me also. Blessings
Unknown said…
Have tried three times to load a photo but no luck. I do not know why I have trouble doing that, but I will keep trying.
Erica said…
Thanks once a gain for the link up! I really enjoy reading what everyone else is joyful about. :)
Kim Mailhot said…
Yay for Thursday joy sharing!!!
Meditation has been a real joy this week as I have been sharing it with some loved ones as we participate in the Chopra 21 Day Meditation project.
Have a joyous rest of the week, Meri!
Leovi said…
I love these exquisite collages with a great composition!
Unknown said…
I've been trying to make mediation a daily habit - thanks for adding joy and inspiration!
Relyn Lawson said…
I have so many sources of joy, Sloane most especially.

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