
Hubble Telescope Image

Listen to me:
The secret is to shine your own light
and follow your own path.
Don't worry about the darkness.
Only in darkness do the stars shine brightly.


Lea said…
Oh pilgrim... you know this winding path, that takes you inward to this secret place... where all life springs forth like stars in the night sky... how lovely to meet upon this path as we both go forth...
Anonymous said…
I like this reminds me of the Leonard Cohen quote, everything has a crack, it's how the light gets in.

Have a wonderful weekend
Susie Clevenger said…
Such a beautiful poem...the voyage of the spirit...nice work
Marit said…
Ohwow... I'm a total fan of 'hubble photos'... I use this kind of pictures a lot in my art journals. Your words fit so beautiful with the image! Happy weekend, happy 2012 Meri!!
Sandy K. said…
Thank you, Meri. I love this. Perfect for who and I, where I want to go, and all the students I ever work with!
Anonymous said…
very true. something i have been telling myself lately.
Unknown said…
What inspiring words. Like the cracked water jug. The side of the road going to the well is bare, coming down the side of the road is strewn with flowers. Blessings

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