Haiku My Heart: Hollyhocks

ruffles on tall stalks
growing in grandma's garden
make great flower dolls


Hollyhocks. I knew them well in childhood, but rarely see them anywhere anymore. And a ruffled white one? Indescribably lovely!
J C said…
A friend just sent me some hollyhock seeds, but I read they take 10 to 15 years to bloom. I dont know if I will last that long. :)
What an exquisite flower, beautifully described in your haiku Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Marit said…
The words "grandma's garden" opened up a world... I suddenly remember my grandma's garden, she had daisies growing in the grass. Thanks for giving me that memory back this morning. Warm(!) hug from Holland, Marit
Mark said…
Great combo of haiku and photo!

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