Into Every Life a Little Rain Must Fall. . .

We’ve had a sixty day string of warm weather
with no precipitation around these parts. 
Late last night, I awoke to the thrum-thrum of snare drums
and couldn’t quite place the sound. 

Oh rain! 
My brain finally caught up. 
Now, it’s a misty, moisty morning 
here in the Pacific Northwest. 

I imagine we’re in for a string of days
with plentiful precipitation, now that it’s mid-October.

I’ve said it before: I’m solar powered. 

The longer I go without sunshine, 
the more worn down my batteries become. 
If I get too droopy, I have to resort to artificial sunshine
via a light box. It seems to help a bit. 

But there’s nothing like the real thing.


helen tilston said…
I hope the sun shines tomorrow

Sandy K. said…
This is so beautiful - a lovely illustration, and description. Thank you!
She Who Doodles said…
we've had such a long warm, dry spell, i hate to complain about the rain but i am. the first day was kinda nice, soup and hot chocolate day, the gas stove burning. enough already. i understand why people go south for the winter.

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