The August Break prompt for today is CRUSH.
Oh boy.
This has me stumped.
It's been so long since I've crushed on anyone,
I barely remember what it was like.
So okay.
I do know that when I was a sweet young thing,
I was a Paul girl.
As in Beatles Paul.
Photo from |
I wasn't ga-ga over him, you understand.
Didn't fantasize over being his wife
or running away to join the Beatles circus.
But I did think he was pretty darn cute.
I didn't see him live and in person when I was young,
but I saw him in concert a few years ago
when I was a woman of a certain age
and he was a gentleman some years older.
Unlike what probably would have happened
had I seen him when we were both young,
I didn't scream or swoon.
But I'll admit I was in nostalgia heaven.
I'm still a Paul girl.