Share the Joy: Favorites

Yesterday, I spent some time leafing through my digi photo collection, looking for Uncommon Shapes , the 52 Photos Project theme for this week. As I reviewed various photo collections, I found that every photo is linked to memories. . . of fun, of exploration, of just slowing down to notice appreciate the beauty all around me to refill my well. Hmmm. . . those are all components of cultivating joy. What a coincidence! How are you cultivating joy? Share your wins, your misty-eyed moments, your ear-to-ear grins. Where do you find JOY? What thrills you? Notice it. Cultivate it. Celebrate it. Share it. 1. do a post that tells and shows what gives you joy. 2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into the Mr. Linky box along with your info. 3. Visit other players and let their ...