Do You Ever?

Do you ever get tired of 
always saying the right thing,
of biting your tongue,
of not saying anything 
if you can't say something nice?

Do you ever want to celebrate 
your wild child?

Let your bad girl out to play
(if only for a guilty minute)?

"Girls Like Me" - created by MeriMagic on


I thought it was only me. . .


kt40s said…
laughing over here with you on this one:)
Dawn Elliott said…
I not only dream about it...once in awhile I do it! Can't ALWAYS be perfect, can we???
Annie Jeffries said…
Yeah, I do. And whenever I DO let loose, I get myself into trouble. Some people can get away with it. I'm not one of them. Alas.
foxysue said…
Meri, you made my morning you dark horse you, gee-up! x
Sandy K. said…
You are so creative:). I love the image, but I love the message more! Yes, sometimes I want to cut loose - the older I get the more I actually do! Thank you for the "thought of the day!"
Zena said…
Yes, I do but lately I don´t permit myself to explore the wild side and I think I need to do it sooner than later. I feel a lack of air...
Love the image and the words, I needed to read that today

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