Share the Joy: Artful Journey

It’s time for more joy. . .

I found mine today in moving forward on the memoir,
not only in knowing that I was engaging in the process,
but in thinking about how I began to unleash my creativity

as part of the journey of self-discovery after my 20+
(ok that’s weird. . . I hit the plus key
And the heart and arrow spontaneously appeared.)
year marriage ended.

All my life, I’d been subject to the limiting belief
that I’m not enough (good enough, talented enough, worthy enough),
which can really put a damper on creative expression.

So I started with altered digital images, 
feeling like my photography
was a way around drawing and painting.

I hadn’t been exposed to digitally layered pieces done by others
and learning to alter, enhance, and use filters on my own photos
was a purely trial and error process.

Some of these works hang in my home,
others found a place in other people's collections.
Some have never been framed or offered for sale.

But the trip down the artful memory lane was a delight and a joy.

What’s your source of joy this week?

To play along
1. do a post that tells and shows what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into 
the Mr. Linky box along with your info.

3. Then click the NEXT box (or the time) to choose an image
 from the post to insert in Mr. Linky's list so people get a sneak peek. 

(And if you just can't get it to work, 
email me and I'll try to link it for you.)

4. Visit other players and let their joy infect you. Leave them a comment because everyone enJOYS getting positive feedback.

Let's start an epidemic of JOY!


Anonymous said…
a beautiful collection...and you. are. enough - wonderfully and amazingly so. your creativity is a gift to this world.
foxysue said…
Unleashing creativity that's what it is all about, sharing and caring. x
How exciting for you!!! The pictures are really beautiful!!! WOW!!! Have a grand day! Cathy
Unknown said…
I am so jealous of your photos today.
Want to post instructions some day about your general process?
Please, please, pretty please?

Regardless, you are an amazing artist and inspirer (that's probably not a word)...
never think otherwise.
Anonymous said…
being home this week, i am finding joy in spending time with my two little loves
Leovi said…
Beautiful, I love them all, especially those I love Venice.
rebecca said…
dear meri,
you are more than enough! so much so that i truly believe you will find your wellspring renewed and refilled and that your ultimate fulfillment will be in helping other women begin their unique healing journey from life's losses.

my joy this week? being present, trusting and available to those around me. listening carefully and sensing just where a caring word or thoughtful action might be needed.

thank you for your beauty and this gathering of joy seekers. i will visit everyone when i return home from a long day of teaching and afterwards supporting a dear and long time friend (who began as a student of my parents 30 years ago) by attending the celebration of her husbands life.
they shared 60 years together.

it's going to be a deep tearful reminder to kiss the joy as it flies!
Anonymous said…
It's wonderful to see and read about your artful very rich on many different levels!
Unknown said…
I have been listening with my heart to your recent posts and know the strength and growth that has found it's way to the top of the pit. My art teacher had shown us how to take a photo through an app representing, oils, watercolors or which ever artist we admire and working from that. I love that. Like you I have finished pieces all over my house. When I hit 200 followers I am going to give some of it away. Blessings
Rosie Gan said…
I am tempted to try it out. These are just fantastic!
She Who Doodles said…
i too turned to my creative interest after 27 years of marriage ended. it started as great therapy but became so much a part of my life i can't imagine how i survived without it.

joanne said…
you have certainly created some magical works of art!
Rosie Gan said…
I've been visiting the people who gather here every Thursday, and it is a reflection of how you attract joyful people, who are passionate about what they're doing, Meri.
Your own journey is filled with that passion, and your creative art shows it. Thank you for holding a meeting here every Thursday:)

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