Share the Joy: Blessings

One of the best ways to increase
 your JOY quotient
is to

Here are some of mine

1.    a roof over my head and plenty of food
2.  kids that I like as well as love
3.   talking to my Mom every few days
4.  ditto for my Dad
5.  family and friends to love and be loved by
6.  a never-ending stream of creativity
7.   blog buddies
8.   the new HBO series “The Newsroom,” 
smartly written by Aaron Sorkin
9.   “Imagine Whirled Peace” Ben & Jerry’s ice cream
10.  movies at Grand Cinema
11.   my spiritual community
12.  being able to make a difference
 in the world by being myself

Come to think of it not only are these blessings,
each of them brings me joy.

What’s your source of JOY?

To play along,

1. do a post that tells and shows us what gives you joy.

2. Capture the URL of the specific post and paste it
into the Mr. Linky box along with your name.
3. Then click the NEXT box (or the link)
to choose an image from the post to hook to Mr. Linky's list
so that people are enticed to visit your blog.
If you just can't get it to work, send me the info
and I'll try to link it for you.
4. Visit other players -- as many as possible --
and let their joy infect you.
Leave them a comment, because everyone enJOYS
getting positive feedback.

Let's start an epidemic of joy!


carol l mckenna said…
My joys on my Thursday post is in photos of my dog ~ hope this works for you ~ thanks for hosting ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)
rebecca said…
dear meri,

i love your many blessings and your encouragement for all of us to acknowledge ours. there are so many simple pleasures that bring true joy. today i want to acknowledge just one, the joy that comes from helping others.

thank you for posting about the "project of heart" to help the entire village of las rancheritas realize their dream to open a restaurant and permanent venue for their whimsical hooked rugs. thank you to everyone who has become apart of this bright future and sharing the joy that thrives in helping others!!!
I'm especially touched by your Blessing #12. Would that more people would just be themselves!
foxysue said…
I'm up-to 1000000000000........ and still counting it's the only way!!! x
What a wonderful list!!! You are truly blessed and you have every reason to be joyful!!! Have a wonderful day! Cathy
deb did it said…
what a beautiful, JOYful list.
I plan to enter my own in my art journal this week. Thank you Meri!!
Fallingladies said…
great list, thanks for sharing amd hosting! I love seeing all this joy!
Rosie Gan said…
Indeed, #7 is a source of joy which I certainly count as a blessing. Coming here to link in to your Share the Joy space is #7.1 for me :)
Rosie Gan
Rosie Gan said…
Indeed, #7 is a source of joy which I certainly count as a blessing. Coming here to link in to your Share the Joy space is #7.1 for me :)
Rosie Gan
carol l mckenna said…
Added some words about joys in my life ~ thanks for coming by ~~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)
Anonymous said…
reading an incredible book, just like us, that makes me count my blessings.

but then I count them every day.

thank you for offering up this bit of JOY!
Leovi said…
I love this composition Meri, very creative.
Unknown said…
What brings joy to my heart makes me a better person in dealing with others. A negative heart can only emit negative feelings. Thank you so for your creations. The Joy Revolution is growning.
Sandy K. said…
I have tried this linky-thing for the first time today and we'll see how it goes! I need to find a way to keep track of when certain days have a category attached, as tomorrow's post is a very joyful one! The list you have today is lovely, Meri. Counting blessings is something I do almost every day - it DOES help!
Relyn Lawson said…
a few of mine...

family walks, the sound of the fan on the counter, a new vacuum, getting my work finished early, music, snuggling with Sloane....
Kim Mailhot said…
What an amazingly simple and completely wonderful list, Meri.
So many blessings to count.
Light and love to you, Beautiful Heart.

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