Postcards from Paradise: Shopping

I’m an introvert, so the crush of family
at a 4-day reunion can be exhausting for me.
Too many people in the tipi, so to speak.

We often don’t have enough in common
to keep the conversation lively.

And while I’d be perfectly happy spending
a whole weekend with my nose in a book
(even reading aloud if someone will listen),
or just sitting outside and sipping a cup of chai,
it’s really not polite.

What my family at least its female members
really loves to do is shop.

I can do that. Especially jewelry.

For other stuff, buying is optional.

This, by the way, is jewelry designed by my sister-in-law.
It's incredibly beautiful and affordable too.
I snagged a necklace of graduated-sized amazonite beads
with silver fittings and matching earrings for $45 at the
Saturday market in Joseph, Oregon.

It felt like highway robbery!

You can email her (

I'm sure she'd be happy to send you images of her work
so you can own some of her stunning pieces.

Don't forget to visit


Cheryl said…
I'm going to a family reunion at the end of this month. I don't care what I do as long as I'm cool, as opposed to insufferable heat. I'll be camping too. this ought to be interesting! I love the silver jewelry best. Your sister's jewelry is gorgeous and very reasonably priced. Highway robbery indeed!
So glad you survived your reunion. I'd say that the act of surviving is your paradise! :)

San Miguel Shadows
rebecca said…
i am lying fact i am only now making it to the computer after a long day of silent painting. (yes, in my jammies.)
now that's paradise!

love you meri and your new treasure.
Melinda said…
a houseful of people is a wonderful way to re-discover how wonderful a quiet house is once everyone has gone. that is truly paradise! i love my company and i love my quiet!
Kim Mailhot said…
4 days is a good number to get so connection to hearts that matter to us, even if they are not the hearts we are the most connected to. It is just long enough to say, "well, I can do this for 4 days", and know that your quiet and simple is waiting for you on the 5th one!
Lovely treasure !
Light and Love,Meri !
Annie Jeffries said…
Large or small, family reunions can be unnerving. All it takes is one to make it unsettling. Shopping is a good solution was people are so different. It would seem that your sister-in-law has a gift as well. Lucky you to score such a pretty necklace.
joanne said…
cool photos...I am not necessarily an introvert, but whenever I have a 'party' to go to, I always wish I could bring a book - with family it would be ok.....nice jewelry

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