Postcards from Paradise: My Home Turf

A peek at my favorite farmer's market

Seattle's famous Pike Place Market


Annie Jeffries said…
I love the Public Market sign, Meri. It is as iconic as San Francisco's row of Victorian Ladies.
gma said…
Great place. One of my favorites for sights,sounds, scents,smiles, people.
carol l mckenna said…
Wonderful and colorful photos ~~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)
foxysue said…
Filling the senses before filling the stomach seems like a day in paradise to me!
Anonymous said…
must see this someday...the colors are so vibrant and rich - i can only imagine the rest.
Anonymous said…
i love farmers markets. so uch to enjoy. btw i am going to be stopping over in seattle on transit to portland in a few weeks.
Maude Lynn said…
What an awesome place!

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