Leaving Joy Behind When We Go

There are souls in this world
which have the gift of finding joy everywhere
and of leaving it behind them when they go.
-   Jean Paul Richter (1763 - 1825)

"Moon Maiden" - one of my Polyvore creations (Polyvore.com/MeriMagic)

I want to be one of those souls.
I’m cultivating JOY every time I create a new image.

How are you cultivating JOY?

1. do a post that tells and shows us what gives you joy.
2. Capture the URL of the specific post and paste it
into the Mr. Linky box along with your name.
3. Then click the NEXT box (or the link)
to choose an image from the post to hook to Mr. Linky's list
so that people are enticed to visit your blog.
If you just can't get it to work, send me the info
and I'll try to link it for you.
4. Visit other players -- as many as possible --
and let their joy infect you.
Leave them a comment, because everyone enJOYS
getting positive feedback.

Let's start an epidemic of joy!


foxysue said…
I know what you mean and it's a beautiful image. x
Anonymous said…
Yes..to finding joy in every moment. Your image is stunning!

Leovi said…
I like to pick up the joy you sow.
Unknown said…
How true and such a beautiful creation. Love it.
She Who Doodles said…
art is like that, you have to feel something to create it. the satisfaction of seeing a finshed piece brings joy. the colors the design, the way it all falls together.

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