Tiptoe through the Tulips

To celebrate my triumph over bronchitis
I took a field trip to Mt. Vernon, Washington
a few days ago to visit my friend Judie
and tiptoe through the tulips.

We found fields of color, flower-lookers,
salivating gardeners, and photography madness.


carol l mckenna said…
Fantastic photos ~ the colors, composition are all dynamite ~ ^_^! ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

glad you are feeling better ^_^
rebecca said…
just that last photograph filled me with a flood of satisfaction and wonder.
so glad you are up and about enjoying a healthy body! thank you for your abundant beauty.
"postcards" from you are always a treat!
foxysue said…
A riot of colour just what the doctor ordered to fill the senses and breathe therapy for the lungs. x
Anonymous said…
oh...my...beyond beautiful. So happy! you are finally feeling well enough to skip!
A.Smith said…
Time to celebrate! May you stay very very healthy and happy. Those photos are incredible and remind me to get well myself to go to visit the peonies soon. Ours are beginning to show but Adelman's should be in full bloom and they open tomorrow. Be well dear, and a trip south to visit the peonies may be a good idea?
Unknown said…
Stunning images!

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