Morning Collage Page

I've been spending a few minutes each morning 
creating a digital collage on Polyvore.
It's kind of the same idea as Julia Cameron's suggestion
to do Morning Pages, only with images instead of words.
"Wildly Improbable"  © 2012 Meri Arnett

What I'm finding is that I'm drawn to certain images, 
colors, and themes and tend to return to them
 again and again.

Circles, for example, and blues and greens.
Birds. Botantical images. Asian-inspired things.
Doors. Windows. Textures.

But then again,
I guess I already knew that.

When we create in this way,
are we tapping into our unconscious?
Perhaps even exposing hidden parts of us?

I think so.


Tito Eric said…
Simply marvelous! I really love it.
Anonymous said…
I love that collage, so subtle and soft! Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot... :-)

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