Share the Joy: Basics

Things that give me JOY

Imagining a world 
where everyone has fresh clean water

enough food to eat

Someone to love and laugh with

Sunshine as well as clouds (and enough rain for renewal)

A place to admire the grandeur of nature
and perhaps feel a little small. . . .

Somewhere they can feel like a star

and experience a few miracles along the way.

What spells JOY for you?

1. do a post that tells and shows us
what gives you joy.

2. Capture the URL of the specific post and paste it
into the Mr. Linky box along with your name.

3. Then click the NEXT box (or the link)
to choose an image from the post to hook to Mr. Linky's list
so that people are enticed to visit your blog.
If you just can't get it to work, send me the info
and I'll try to link it for you.

4. Visit other players -- as many as possible --
and let their joy infect you.
Leave them a comment, because everyone enJOYS
getting positive feedback.

Let's start an epidemic of joy!


Anonymous said…
meri, wishing you all the simple and generous joys for 2012, my friend! xx
Such a beautifully sensitive and tender post!!! Wishing you a wonderful day!!! Cathy
Fallingladies said…
Lovely photos! Happy Thursday!
Unknown said…
Your post goes way above the amazing. Thanks for all your fun visits and sharing doing this year and I wish you all the best.
What a lovely post - happy holiday to you . . .
Kim Mailhot said…
Sweet basics of this joyous life, Ms. Meri ! Gorgeous !

Wishing you a multitude of simple joys in 2012 ! Big Love !
Beautiful images this week, I really like the one with the rushing water. Thanks for hosting, have a wonderful New Years, Laura
Love your "joys"- this is a great meme-
Anonymous said…
I did it....happy new year!!
foxysue said…
I'm imagining along with you!

Sue x
rebecca said…
dear friend,
thank you for the jOy i find in knowing you. the sweet abundance of sharing. the gift of knowing you are here brightening our world and inspiring us each new day.
i love you for this and so much more.
She Who Doodles said…
the beach looks inviting right about now. always a joyful place to relax and enjoy the scenery. have a great new years.
carol l mckenna said…
Your site gave me joy ~ yet can not add link ~ is it closed? ~ thanks, namaste, Carol ~ I have your site linked to my post at a Creative Harbor ^_^
deb did it said…
oh a world filled with love,laughter,sunshine and joy..
Leovi said…
Nice pictures. I really like the first with moving water is wonderful. happy 2012
Anonymous said…
happy new year!

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