Share the Joy Thursday: Snippets

What gives me JOY?

What gives YOU joy?

To play along and share the joy:

1. do a post that tells and shows us
 what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post 
and paste it into the Mr. Linky box along with your name.

3. Then click the NEXT box
If the "next" box doesn't pop up, click the link
to go to the page to select your image --
choose one from your post so you'll entice people to visit.

(If you just can't get it to work, email me
and give me the URL of the post you're adding
and I'll take care of it).

4. visit other players -- as many as possible -- 
and let their joy infect you.  

5. Leave them a comment about their post
because everyone enJOYs getting positive feedback.

Let's start an epidemic of joy!


rebecca said…
i love your snippets of jOY!
thanks for being here meri and collecting us together.
Dawn Elliott said…
I love all the colorful images you share on Thursdays - they always make me smile!
Melinda said…
Yes...snippets are good...colors are are textures...

Joy is good. I look forward to this each week! Happy joy day...
I love your sunflowers and the sunflower mandala design that I see in the bowl in the last picture. It is so beautiful! The crushed gold heart reminds me of seasons just around the corner and the fabric reminds me of fall. I think that you have offered a snippet collage of the seasons here. It's lovely.
Miss Robyn said…
I am not even sure if my link worked.. but I have shared some JOY on my blog
love your bright post!! gorgeous colourful JOY :)
Anonymous said…
I am early...but not alone! Love the JOY that you share!
On this cloudy day, your yellows are the sunshine I've yet to see today! Thank you!!! Wonderful! Cathy
Anonymous said…
i spent much of today doing a lot of baking with my two little loves. it gives me joy to be able to share my love of cooking with them.
Yvonne said…
This idea rocks!
Kim Mailhot said…
beautiful joyful snippets - color gives me joy, always!
Happy Thursday, Marvelous One !
Ms. Becky said…
Hi Meri, it's been awhile since I've shared the joy, so it's fun to be joining in this week. your snippets lift me up Meri, especially the sunflowers - always a happy flower! thanks for hosting STJ each week. happy day to you.
right now???
your wonderful full of color pictures are making me super super happy !
hugs Meri muchos hugs!
Unknown said…
Hi Mari a great day to share the joy. thanks for your work. Check out my meme starting next Wed., Aug 30 th.
scrapwordsmom said…
Hi, Meri! Thanks so much for your thought provoking words on fear and doubt today. I will try and say Thank you!!!:)

Happy to join you in hop today.
deb did it said…
snippets of joy with all of us here together, abundant JOY overflowing!
Unknown said…
Loved your photos, so bright and cheerful.

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