Share the Joy: It Doesn't Take Much

What gives me JOY?

Traveling to intriguing places.

Things that remind me of exotic places.

Yummy food exquisitely presented.

Shadows that make me look tall.

Lots of things, really. . . .

What gives YOU joy?

To play along and share the joy:

1. do a post that tells and shows us
 what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post 
and paste it into the Mr. Linky box along with your name.

3. Then click the NEXT box
If the "next" box doesn't pop up, click the link
to go to the page to select your image --
choose one from your post so you'll entice people to visit.

(If you just can't get it to work, email me
and give me the URL of the post you're adding
and I'll take care of it).

4. visit other players -- as many as possible -- 
and let their joy infect you.  

5. Leave them a comment about their post
because everyone enJOYs getting positive feedback.

Let's start an epidemic of joy!


Anonymous said…
mr linky isnt up ... but here is my link to my post:
I share your joy in traveling to new places. Nope, Mr. Linky doesn't seem to be available at the moment, but here's where you can find fruits and veggies being "Trucked" to market!
ellen abbott said…
I love those first two pictures.
Dawn Elliott said…
Oh Meri, I remember that delicious dish that you enjoyed in Guanaguato last year. Having been in Santa Fe this past week, I know the joy of incredible dining too well!!!
Wonderful pictures!!! Cathy

Just had a wee bit of trouble uploading the pic for my link...will do better next time!
Anonymous said…
Love LOVE the images of the ruins and the very modern architecture!!
deb did it said…
I simply love sharing JOY with you every week!
i always enjoy a good presentation and can't help it to keep looking at it and feeling tempted to take a picture but eating is first ;-)
Unknown said…
Hello I am over from Cathy's Bit of The Blarney. Love this idea. Got my link up but not my thumbnail. I will keep trying. Do enjoy fine food, not much cooking these days but have 2 chefs in the family. Look forward to visiting the others. Blessings
~JarieLyn~ said…
I love travelling too. I had to smile when I saw your second picture. I can see how it reminds you of the exotic places in your first photos. Very well done and oh so clever.
foxysue said…
I go for shadows that make me look slim ;~)!

Sue x
Cheryl said…
Hi Meri, I'm not sure I wrote about what brings me joy today but it's what I'm thinking about. The photos bring me joy. I love your photo of your shadow and the reflection of the tea pitcher. I also appreciate you reminding me to feel the joy.
She Who Doodles said…
what a joy to read everyones post today. instead of rushing trying to figure out what to post i had to stop and take a breath of fresh air, change my mindset. i so often don't stop and "smell the roses".
rebecca said…
i love you meri....
thank you for this gathering of joy.
and the beauty you always have waiting for us in your lengthening shadow.
Melinda Bloom said…
I posted! Mr. Linky was there waiting! This joy thing is really working for stuff!
couldn't link in. Will try again. Mine is also the joy of traveling.
Kim Mailhot said…
Lots of things for me too. Joy saves my life in so many ways. Simple, graceful joy. Thank you for giving us a place to celebrate that each week.
Ani said…
Thanks for hosting. You always have such beautiful posts and pictures.
I love these photographs, Meri. I would have participated but I didn't have a joy post and Indaba was rather grim. I love that you do this each week. Gorgeous stuff! Good turnout too!
I love this post and enjoy meeting some new bloggers, too! ♥

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