Share the Joy Thursday: Ruffles and Flourishes

What gives me JOY?

Spring flowers 

with all 

their ruffles 

and flourishes.

p.s. Negative for pneumonia -- just horrible bronchitis, flu, and sinus infection, day 9.

What gives you JOY?

To play along and share the joy:

1. do a post that tells and shows us what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post 
and paste it into the Mr. Linky box 
along with your name.

3. visit other players -- as many as possible -- 
and let their joy infect you.  
Leave them a comment about their post.
Let's start an epidemic of joy!


I also like the fragrance of spring flowers!
I wish I could wear them! They look so sensuous, southern, feminine, ruffly--aaah!
deb did it said…
ahhh, the delicate ruffles of a Spring dress....Meri...please get well ASAP so you an enjoy the seasons change! Holding you in my heart....
rebecca said…
oh to dress in the fragrance and frills of spring!

sending you love, rest, and comfort...

kate i said…
Such beautiful flowers...such beautiful pic's! Thanks for sharing your joy today and I hope you're feeling better soon.
My Vegan Life said…
Oh such beautiful flowers!So lovely!These are great photos!Thank you for sharing your joy!
foxysue said…
Snap, I'd prepared mine in readiness for 'Joyful Thursday', seems we speak the same language!

Sue x
Dani said…
Beautiful :)

Sucks that you're still poorly very well done for blogging and finding joy despite this, wrap up and rest up.

Feel better.
Stunning photographs Meri. So sorry to hear your cold has developed into bronchitis. I had a bout a couple of years ago and it took a while to recover. Take care and get lots of rest.
Anonymous said…
I'm soaking in your spring JOY...we have a layer of wet spring snow blanketing our world.

Dawn Elliott said…
Please know that you've brought joy to all of us who are viewing your scrumptious spring flowers! Be well.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carmen said…
food and wine makes me super happy
and your revolution, too
I must admit, YOUR posting gave me joy today! I liked the title you gave it too... ruffles and flourishes. And such pretty ruffles too!
Laura said…
Loving your joy infused flowers Meri!
Kim Mailhot said…
Oh, Meri, I am so sorry this illness is dragging on so long. Good about the pneunomia but still sucky! At least the joys of spring are there to ease things just a little!
Sending chicken soup comfirting hugs!
Heather said…
Flowers certainly bring joy and refreshment to our soul...beautiful.
Anonymous said…
Exquisite shots of Spring's Royalty ...

Love your idea of sharing joy! May there be an epidemic of joy and gratitude!
patty said…
followed laura here... my first time
Saugraamzindagi said…
Joyful indeed!

Thanks for your visit Meri and appreciate your valuable comments!
Relyn Lawson said…
so many things give me joy. But, especially my daughter and my husband.

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