Smiles and Irons in the Fire

Because of your smile, 
you make life more beautiful.
– Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh

Somehow, the weekend was swallowed 
in a writing frenzy
that I wasn't ready to share here, with you. 
I have so many irons in the fire these days,
it's hard to know which one 
will leave the most potent mark.

But I just want to say
 that visiting with you, 
at your place or mine, 
makes my life more beautiful.

Just like your smile brightens the world.

Y'all come back now. Hear? 


Naquillity said…
and we enjoy our time with you as well. friends always put smiles on one or the others face. have a great day.

thanks so much for your encouraging words at my place. it's greatly appreciated. i'm slowly working my way to the other side, :)
Your buddha photo does have a sweet Mona Lisa smile and from my point of view he seems to be peeking out of his left eye at the world.

I think it is a valuable part of the process to let things sit for a bit before rushing to share them. We are then either very sure when we come back that it is just right or the place that could still use some tweaking jumps right out at us.
Terri said…
I know those irons in the fire. #Ditto what Naquillity said#
Well resting and relaxing sounds good...a respite that what you need...Always enjoy a visit here! Cathy
beth said…
irons in the fire can be a very good thing.....
steven said…
anything warm and good. a smile, worked iron (in any form!), leaves more goodness in its path. a smile is a worthy gift any time. steven
The Buddha is mysteriously smiling and beautifully varied in color. i love the rose tones in the stone, very vibrant, almost like the flowers people leave for him. I love Thich Nhat Hanh also. Here is a poem by Amy Uyematsu called Tea, which is about Thich Nat Hanh. I always enjoy visiting with you too, Meri!
sperlygirl said…
simply beautiful...the quote and your photo. b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!
ELK said…
i like the face ..the words too!!

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