Inner Wisdom

 always with me,
waiting inside.
sometimes quietly,
sometimes not.
it is when i stop and listen
that i honor your presence.
it is when i follow what i hear
that i honor my wholeness. 

~terri st. cloud

Listen to that quiet voice
that has so much to say.


Numinosity said…
I've been trying to stop and listen lately, while I'm making art or picking blueberries, sometimes I'm so busy staying busy that I forget. Maybe because the voice sounds so melancholy sat times it scares me back into busy-ness.
sperlygirl said…
oh so beautiful - the words and your self-portrait!
All so evident in the content and tone of your blog - as well as your lovely self-portrait.
steven said…
meri - there are times when "listening" is so much easier. i'd expect it's different for everyone. the most consistent space for me is when i am on my bicycle riding out into the countryside. there's something of a melding takes place between the inner voices and the outer voices, the inner and outer worlds seem more connected. when it's noisiest is in my teaching. listening becomes a subs strata of the work for sure but harder to hear. steven
Delwyn said…
I have a lovely quote from goodness knows where that simply says

Put your ear down
close to your soul
and listen...

I often think of that imperative...

A beautifully contemplative Meri to accompany the sentiment today...

Happy days
Wonderful reflection! Thank you! Cathy
Martin said…
More and more, that quiet voice has become my guide. I love this gentle reminder. Contemplative self portrait, too. Very nice.
julochka said…
really nice selfie and lovely thoughts...inner wisdom, i need to listen to more of that.
Unknown said…
I love the photo. Beautiful post, thank you.
Anonymous said…
yuo look so peaceful... i can never be that way when there is a camera at my face!
beth said…
everything here....especially you.....beautiful !
rebecca said…
you are beauty whispering soulfully.

deb did it said…
your self portrait is really calm and pensive...I really love the way it matches your words. You are continuing to evolve...and I love being ringside!
Yes, we must listen to that voice, that sometimes says the thing that we least want to hear but need to dialogue with in order to reach resolution. Sometimes it tells us in a single moment that which we have been seeking all our lives to find. Often it is simply offering forgiveness to the self. Here is a quote from Yeats ADialogue of Self and Soul:
I am content to follow to its source
Every event in action or in thought;
Measure the lot; forgive myself the lot!
When such as I cast out remorse
So great a sweetness flows into the breast
We must laugh and we must sing,
We are blest by everything,
Everything we look upon is blest."
Bless You Meri!

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