Verification Words

Don't you just love those "verification" words,
the key that opens the door for comment posts?

The other day, I got a wonderful made-up word.


I think that's what you are when you're wounded
or inexperienced or worried about how you look,
but you're easing your way
toward intimacy with someone new
ever so slowly.  .  .

with eyes averted when the whole process
gets a little too intense
or the fear rises up like a bulimic episode.
Gently sliding toward connection.

So full of hope, but a bundle of nerves.
Wanting to get close, but holding yourself back
just a little.



pink dogwood said…
I found you via some other blog I don't remember. I love, love the way you write :)
beth said…
ohhhh....i like that word and your definition !

Could you post next on my word verification for this comment:
'sorehow'? ;-)
Martin said…
I like the sound of the word, and the definition.
Anonymous said…
thanks for stopping by my place today! and, i too, always get a kick out of the verification words. the one i have right now is "sundedn" which i twisted into "sun dead on"...which it is!

beautiful photos and i love your blog. I'll be adding you to my blogroll....see you again later!
Jinksy said…
Like your definition, and the new word. :)
How fun! I do that, too sometimes...make up meanings for those goofy words! I hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie
I love the word but even more the photos that feature a woman and man of a "certain age" becoming ever-so-slowly, "intimidly" (is that a word) acquainted with one another. Maybe it is only an adjective and I have created a new one! At any rate it is lovely and so are you.
magiceye said…
this is so beautiful
ELK said…
you have done wonders with that comment word .elk

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