Haiku My Heart: Create Change

cast light in darkness
a shining beacon of hope
create change within you


Lea said…
Hello Meri, I am so happy to be here. Thank you for your light, touching the flame in my heart. Lamps of hope together.
Exactly: Change begins in the heart of the individual, and then spreads to the world.
Beautiful haiku. Hope is what I am experiencing. . .Thank you for affirming it! Have a wonderful weekend!
J C said…
Hoping for good change very soon. Excellent haiku to fit the times.
carol l mckenna said…
If only more and more people would shine their light into the world of dark places ~ lovely haiku ~

Be Safe, Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Marit said…
To light a candle, search your thoughts, change yourself, heal and pass it on... thanks for your wise words of hope!
Mark said…
Sometimes change is hard to welcome, but it is usually necessary to do so.

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