
Showing posts from December, 2018

Where Does the Time Go?

It's been over two weeks since last I posted. Where does the time go? Part of the time drain was surrendered to the black hole called computer crash. I lost virtually all my photographs, something that makes blogging a trial since I am a firm believer in  words + images. Don't worry. . . my eldest son thinks he can salvage them on Saturday when he, his wife, and their two boys come for brunch and present opening. I'd say the rest was frittered away with Christmas preparations, but that's not accurate.  I did decorate two trees and buy a few Christmas presents but I spent Christmas eve and most of Christmas day by myself, reading and watching my favorite movies. Having children with in-laws who get a share of holiday time means time alone if you don't have a significant other. I've read 3 novels and a memoir in the past five days and watched favorite movies (plus -- a week ago, I saw "Green Book" ...

Thought Gotcha

Once you try to stop thinking, look out. You'll be bombarded with miscreant thoughts. Remember the saying, "Where attention goes, energy flows?" By trying NOT to think, you're putting your energy into your thoughts whether those thoughts are bidden or unbidden. If you want to quiet the thought chorus, try painting abstracts. Or walking while saying a mantra (four one-syllable words work best) a form of meditation.

Annual Words

Do you set your intention by choosing a word each year? I've done it several years in a row and thought I'd share some of my choices. 2015's word: Inspiration What will be your choice for 2019?

Hard Stuff



Know anyone like this? Seems to be going around.

Just Sayin'

No one makes you happy. It's something you decide to do for yourself (kind of like forgiveness).

Share the Joy

I used to host a blog meme called "Share the Joy" on Thursday morning. It celebrated the little (or big) moments during each week when you noticed that something touched your heart or brought a smile to your face. Seems to me that honoring joy invites more of it into your life. And that's a good thing.

Women Friends

Nothing quite so enriching as hanging out with the "girls," no matter how quaint and un-politically correct the term might be. Female friendships offer a haven inspiration play silliness consolation cheerleaders and oh, so much more.

Sometimes It's Okay

Sometimes it's okay to fly your freak flag.

Mash Up

A montage of elements all mashed up together, yet somehow there's a unity. Inexplicable.

Do All Things with Love

Doing things with love has an ease about it and in this frantic world, a bit of ease is a blessing.

Haiku My Heart: Adventure

Haiku My Heart journey of the mind visualize the not seen adventure awaits