Haiku My Heart

waves curl onto beach
scouring the sands of time


carol l mckenna said…
Wonderful beach photo ~ looks like CA and love your haiku so divine ~ thanks, ^_^

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)
Laura said…
Beautiful Meri both in image and message.
I don't believe I've ever seen "inexorably" used effectively in a haiku--until now!

Another Haiku My Heart
deb did it said…
Oh how I wish I was sitting by the shore with you, somewhere
rallentanda said…
Lovely pic and haiku
Annie Jeffries said…
I was just in such a place last week. This makes me ache to be there again.
rebecca said…
we should be so relentless with our love!

it is so lovely to have you back in the haiku circle! gorgeous photo capture and always the perfect words.
i have missed you!


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