Share the Joy: Seattle Landmark

Browsing the Pike Place Market,
one of Seattle's famous landmarks,
is always a treat.

From fish
to flowers

it's a riot of color,
of shapes and textures,

sights and sounds.

There's something for almost everyone's taste buds.

And, if you know where to look, 
there's a bubble gum wall.
(A bit ick........)

What gave you JOY this week? 
What moments thrill you?
Make you grin?

Notice it.
Cultivate it.
Celebrate it.

Share it.

1. do a post that tells and shows what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into 
the Mr. Linky box along with your info.

3. Visit other players and let their joy infect you.
Leave them a comment because everyone
 enJOYS getting positive feedback.

Let's keep the epidemic of JOY going!


Karen said…
Such beautiful colours are a joy to see since our weather is grey and rainy!
I loved going there when I lived in Seattle.
deb did it said…
Oh Meri,
My mouth is watering.
I love the Pike Market so much...overstimulating colors and tastes and photo ops!! { I can pass on the gummy wall }
Unknown said…
Every week when I pop over to your blog I would like more and more to visit Seattle.
4 Lettre Words said…
what a fun collection!
Anonymous said…
I´ve never been to Seattle but I know it's a place I will visit one of these days :)
Today I am joining for the first time and hope to be back every week with a joyful post.
Thank you for making this available to us!
suzanne said…
seattle is on my list as a place to visit. wow, those colors are amazing (even the gum...reminds me of that scene from ELF, hee, hee) beautiful capture of joy!!!

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