Share the Joy: Possibility

I find great joy in the empty spaces
in my life.

Those blocks of time that stretch before me
like a rainbow,
bright with the color of possibility.

Time to read,
to make art,
to see a film that beckons to me,
to dream of things that I could bring into being
by exercising the power of intention
and taking appropriate actions.

What gives you joy?

Share the Joy. 

1. do a post that tells and shows what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into 
the Mr. Linky box along with your info.

3. Visit other players and let their joy infect you.
Leave them a comment because everyone
 enJOYS getting positive feedback.

Let's start an epidemic of JOY!


4 Lettre Words said…
That's a list that appeals to me!
Kim Mailhot said…
You are wise to see those spaces and take advantage of them, Meri !
EnJOY the show, Awesome One !
foxysue said…
"The power of intention" I can do,
"appropriate action",
now this is not always so easy,
one I'm working on, that is when I can stop digi-doodling ;~)x
Jennifer said…
I love this post! I, too, find great joy in the empty spaces....empty but full of possibility. Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing your joy and for hosting! :)
kt40s said…
thanks meri for including me i am all about sharing the joy and bringing it in to LIFE!
xoxo katy
deb did it said…
Meri...I am loving this view of your artistic frivolity....{I kinda love that word, thinking it might come up on spell check!!!} xoxoxo
Come laugh with me and lets go sip tequila together someday soon...and play with art sculptures!
Anonymous said…
thanks for adding me, meri. i am seeking joy by visiting your lovely space here, so full of warmth.
Unknown said…
I agree :-) Thank you so much for visiting I just tried to link a photo/post, hopefully it will go through.
Fallingladies said…
Oh, empty spaces have so much joy, i agree!
Good morning Meri...Happy Valentines Day. Empty spaces...there is something I haven given thought to in awhile.

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