Another Self-Portrait Wednesday: Hats

make me feel
flirtatious and fabulous

and oh-so-proper.

Got a hat in your closet?
Put it on.

Then come on over.
I'll pour the tea.

We'll make an afternoon of it.


HeartFire said…
I love hats and tea parties... nice photos! Thanks for sharing about folklife and including some music. I haven't been in several years, forgot how much I used to love it, I'll have to go next time!
Anonymous said…
i only own caps and sun hats for the beach. will that do? :)
Delwyn said…
Hey Meri
you are becoming friendlier - on better terms with that camera...

This is a gorgeous photo because I can detect a little Meri-spirit coming through...
You look so beautiful and wise...
I hope we meet one day...

Happy Days
beth said…
meri meri meri...I love this shot of you !!
and sure...I'll come have tea with you !!

{but other than my baseball cap and even that's pushing it....I look awful in hats !
Meri said…
There's a hat for every woman, Beth. And sun hats count, Kamana (as do baseball caps, but not for afternoon tea). And Delwyn - you should have seen the ones I deleted. Yuck!
Izzy said…
Meri, you look absolutely stunning in your yellow bonnet. I'll have tea with you and show in my favorite hat too. =)
julochka said…
love, love, love the hat!

it's too windy here for the past few days for hats, otherwise i'd get one out. :-)
What a great shot of you! I always wore a hat as a kid, something about dressing up in them made me feel I was able to DO ANYTHING!

These days.. I have only (oh my gosh!) a ball cap near by (thanks to Jeff),

might look a lil silly for tea..

but, surely I'd enjoy a sit down with you,

that is if you don't mind the
odd appearance as I do tend to wear it backwards.


THANK YOU for taking on the challenge of making an art dress with us.. let ur art speak for us, S&C can't turn down such a loud voice can they?

xo, monica :)
poefusion said…
I love your hat Meri. It suits you. I hope there's room for one more at your tea party. Hope all is well. Have a nice day.
rebecca said…
perfect. one of those squinchy hats to travel with.please reveal gypsy soul needs one for those frequent jaunts to mexico...
you are
Colette said…
Hi Meri! I am so charmed by yout hat embrace portrait, with green green green, and your lovely pink pink pinky teapot and cup!

I surely am coming over for tea! We can make fairy cakes.
OH MY!!!!
you look awesome!

I think i am late for tea! how about a cup of wine one of these days? te-hee!
ELK said…
great shot meri ~ love tea..hats not as much but it looks amazing on you!
Relyn Lawson said…
OH! I love hats, too. So much! They are so romantic. My favorite hat is is the one Jet (Stockard Channing) wears in Practical Magic
misty said…
i am late, but perhaps we can make iced tea... i have a few hats i can bring... and fresh strawberries?
..... i love hats! i used to wear them all of the time in college... not so much anymore, but perhaps i should?!
sweet sp!

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