Disparate Pieces

Sometimes when we're smack dab
in the middle of life,
caught up in the busyness of living,

we lose sight of the significance
of what we're doing and how it affects
the multi-hued tapestry of our lives.

"Reflections" - photograph copyright 2009 Meri Arnett-Kremian

Only upon thoughtful reflection
does the overall pattern become clear,
the disparate pieces come together.

Sometimes story lines are parallel,
sometimes things intersect
in surprising ways,
all colorful,
all part of the whole,
of our lives.


Delwyn said…
Like the Bayeaux tapestry it's too big to see up close...we need to step back ...
nice piece of thought. some times its like the boat caught in a dreadful storm..and we only see trouble from all ends.. be it the wind.. be it the the rain... we are used to expecting only any event happening then as an addtional trouble.. but some times we fail to see the broken logs of wood which can pull us out
julochka said…
love thoughts. and i love the bayeaux tapestry. it is hard to get an overview somtimes, but i find when i do that i'm often amazed at the connections.
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