All is One. There are no barriers, no limits, no horizons that we do not create ourselves. Or make invisible by ourselves in the pursuit of beauty and art. The greatest miracle of our brain is that we can find beauty when we need it most and seldom fails to find the way to "there".
I believe that in Nature, art is happening and displayed all the time. But we as artists, capture Nature, and create ART..we paint a flower, photograph a sunset, we sculpt, quilt, carve, write, sing, cook with nature. It all starts with Nature. Observe the color wheel. Observe the petals of a flower. Observe the dense colors of a sunrise or sunset. Observe nature.
Then, and only then will ART take place.
Anonymous said…
They all remind me of Dr Suess characters...wonderful!
Meri, I'm traveling, never sure when I can get back here, I have some JOY to share if you'd link for me...
As long as it's in the proper place and legal . . . it can add color and zip to a blank wall space. For more Mosaic Monday posts, click HERE . And for a fascinating article about the creativity of graffiti artists that SPERLYGIRL brought to my attention, click here .
These shots are exquisite, then what is new? :)
But we as artists, capture Nature, and create ART..we paint a flower, photograph a sunset, we sculpt, quilt, carve, write, sing, cook with nature. It all starts with Nature.
Observe the color wheel.
Observe the petals of a flower. Observe the dense colors of a sunrise or sunset.
Observe nature.
Then, and only then will ART take place.
Meri, I'm traveling, never sure when I can get back here, I have some JOY to share if you'd link for me...