Travel Lust

I don't have any travel plans this fall
and I'm feeling the urge.

Where would you escape if you could?


Anonymous said…
I would love to see the old and mystical places in England, Scotland and Ireland, like Glastonbury, Tintagel, Loch Ness, Newgrange and Stonehenge. That would be so fantastic !!!
Have a great day.
Oh that painterly photo entices me to Venice (I think that's where it is?) ... Wonder if the bad economic situation in Italy has affected quality of restos and accomodations there?

My daughter went to Sicily last year and she and her partner were not impressed with how the towns were managed (by the mafia we understand??) ...

Anyway ... your photo art is like stepping into a dream of what once was.
Gayle said…
Old towns in the southwest are calling to me these days.
But if that doesn't happen I have promised myself to get to some museums and galleries this winter.
I have been neglecting that.....
and am hungry for it!!
Hope you get a getaway!!
She Who Doodles said…
put me in the picture, venice would be just fine. i do love a fall trip but like you we have nothing planned. my next trip is not going to be a quickie extended weekend. i'm ready for a nice relaxed trip someplace.
We dream of a place in the sun with a nice watery view, lovely painting thanks!
beth said…
i'd love to fly to italy for a week....
Kim Mailhot said…
Mexico always calls when I think of winter. To tell you the truth, Fall in New ENgland is so spectacular, I don't think I would go anywhere else but here. Bring on the color and I will escape to my home.
I am longing to make a car trip out West! I would love to just DRIVE and see the mesas and mountains! But we don't have plans either! ♥
i am counting down the days to a vacation with my f to the southwest!!
Anonymous said…
if i could, right now, it would be to where the mountains rise high and the trees bring coolness to the heat of the sun.

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