Favorite Faces Series: Day Five

Another favorite face. . .

festive coloring, but sad eyes.

He looks alone in the crowd.


How true! Lovely photograph and series Meri.
Jinksy said…
Aren't sad eyes the mark of a clown? Great photot...
Expat From Hell said…
Such a gripping contrast, between the joy of a clown and the reality of...who this person is inside? The photo speaks so loudly...EFH
Hilary said…
Fabulous photo. You've captured those eyes beautifully.
Kim Mailhot said…
what a beautiful photo...and face !

I received a package filled with red joy this weekend. Thank you ! I will use it well and then pass it on...
Happy Tuesay, Talented Eye.
Anonymous said…
He looks sad. This is a beautiful picture. What is going on in his mind you wonder !!
Have a great day.

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