Share the Joy Thursday: More Things. . .

Some more things that give me joy. . .

the feeling that things are about to blossom

the way that the light of dawn and dusk
gives everything a kind of romantic softness

seeing films that inspire, educate, and amaze
like "The Cave of Forgotten Dreams"

about the Chauvet cave with drawings
perhaps 30,000 years old.

and experiencing an amazing thread of connectedness
that stretches backward and forward
and out to other people.

What gives you joy?

To play along and share the joy:

1. do a post that tells and shows us
 what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post 
and paste it into the Mr. Linky box along with your name.

3. visit other players -- as many as possible -- 
and let their joy infect you.  
Leave them a comment about their post.

Let's start an epidemic of joy!


Your linky thingy is acting up again, Meri, so here's my joyful piece:
Rambling Desert Stream
I love your beautiful pink blossom. It is so sumptuous. It looks like a bit of ice cream rather than a bloom. The image of Venice is fabulous as are all of your images of that place. I think you should enter one in the contest, honestly. I adore the photo of your son and your grandson. It is a picture taken with love and that softens it as well. I have a post on my blog about the Lascaux caves with some very large images similar to the ones you are showing here. I am enamored of that place and will watch the film. I realize it is a different cave. This is all very lovely and joyful.
foxysue said…
Thank you Meri for providing a place of Joy, I love to visit and be a part of this. To me this is a place to escape to, to visit the dreams and memories of others, as your images very well demonstrate.

Sue x
Thanks for the opportunity to share the joy! Have a wonderful day! Cathy

OH! Starting next Wednesday Adventure Tour Express leaves again. Please drop by and share some of your travel adventures, past, present and future!!!
Eryl said…
Your photos are gorgeous: that tight bud about to burst forth pinkly, and those lovely soft-lit scapes. Wonderful.

I'm having a bit of an odd keyboard problem, it keeps disconnecting, but as soon as I've sorted it I'll visit all the other joy spreaders on the list.
Dawn Elliott said…
You always have the most magical and inspiring photographs, that trasport me into a different mindset. Thanks for sharing your joy! I'll plan to track down and watch the cave film for more!
Anonymous said…
oh, I can't WAIT to see this film, it's on our art girls out list.

Enjoy your joyFULL day!
mine happened yesterday
and i felt so good inside
spending time with my dogs and birds visiting my garden
i am at work today but yesterday is still in my heart
blesseings to you !
love your images

without thinking of it my post today fits so well with share the joy thursday, i will try and be more mindful about this weekly happening!

thanks meri!
Kim Mailhot said…
Lovely joys ! Thanks for the film recommendation too. I have often been facinated by the cave drawings of our ancestors and our need to "record" and "document" our experience on this planet.
I hope you have a great rest of the week, Wonderful One !
Cheryl said…
I love how you link your photos with words. The one of Venice is breathtaking.
tami said…
Adding that film to my list brings me even more joy : ) So happy to see you and all your joyfulness. Have a wonderful weekend.
Olivia said…
Thank you for your post, Meri. I am so grateful to be a part of this group! Blessings, O
deb did it said…
JOY JOY JOY everywhere! I love Thursdays!
So enjoyed your photos... lovely posting!
ellen abbott said…
oh, Meri. The photo of the opening flower bud is beautiful! The rest are lovely also, but that one...

What gives me joy? Just about everything.
rebecca said…
my sweet friend,

i took off running yesterday to a long day at work without leaving a proper acknowledgement of you. so sorry the clock unwound and left me no time to
beside you.

your thursday collection of jOY is growing and with it our circle of bright happiness blossoms.

you are a smooth stone on quiet waters and the ripples your kind intention has cast continue to reach out touching so many hearts.

thank you meri for being you.

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