Haiku My Heart: Beach Grass

For more Haiku My Heart, click HERE.

beach grass reaches up
as if to stroke the sky's face
gentlewoman's touch      


And for my post on the theme REVEAL,
click here.


rebecca said…
lovely....in vision and word.

(and yes. i understand that you would be swept away in the most profound beauty of love...)

sadly the word "not" is only one syllable! the word completely, which i LOVE is just too big a mouthful for haiku.
Beautiful Haiku, Meri. The relationship between Earth and Sky is very much like a courtship I think. A lovely idea and a beautiful picture.
joco said…
Ah, yes, we are left with grasses now. Small mercies.
I want to walk down that sand track and see what's further down.
deb did it said…
oh how much do I love this...
Spadoman said…
Gentle woman indeed. Mother Earth grows that grass, and it does seem to be touching the sky and tickling that large outcropping. I think I've been to this place, or one like it. Beautiful.

EG CameraGirl said…
Very lovely, Meri. I like the idea of the beach grass touching the sky gently.
Ileana said…
What a morning lift. Thank you!! :)
Eryl said…
Lovely imagery. I love beach grass, and skys.
Riette said…
Very gentle and indeed like a relationship and very sensual. I love the image
Anonymous said…
Amazing picture. Lovely haiku. Thanks for this.

All the best, Boonie
paper-n-soul said…
Beautiful, inviting imagery and verse. A place of peace, where the grass gently tickles the sky.

Marilyn & Jeff said…
Very beautiful photo and words.
Thank you also for the lovely haiku you left on my blog. Just wonderful.
tami said…
oh, what a lovely image and thought. sroke the sky's face.

ms pie said…
the sand the sea and grass... i can smell the ocean's salty breath... beautiful...
Vinay Leo R. said…
quite beautiful, Meri :) tender! nice image too :)

Haiku My Heart
Limarea said…
Beautiful haiku, and a lovely picture :)

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