Pop on Over to Bonnie's Place

So much is happening in my life right now that sometimes I'm left feeling a little bewildered. I've been invited to write some articles for a new website that will be debuting in the next couple of weeks -- more on that when the site is launched. But today, I'm being featured as an interviewee at Bonnie's Original Art Studio . She's introduced her readers to some fascinating bloggers and if you haven't been following this series, you've missed: George of Transit Notes , who Bonnie describes as a man of extraordinary talent, gentle wisdom, a strong intellect and a generous spirit. Every one of his posts is a tour-de-force, she says. Friko of Friko's Musings . Bonnie notes that Friko must be the voice who exposed the clothes-less Emperor. Kent, the Expat from Hell . She says visiting his blog is a fun and unpredictable ride. and last but not least, Ruth of Synch-ro-ni -zing. Ruth is a poet and creator of beautiful landscape and nature images...