Hidden Message

I call this piece Hidden Message.

You might wonder why.

It's not the scribble marks or the random circles.

No, buried in the deepest layer of the image,
there's text that says

Find Yourself
No Matter
How Long It Takes. 

"Hidden Message" ©2017 Meri Arnett-Kremian/MeriMagic

Sometimes we're so burdened down
by expectations
and social imperatives
that we create multiple layers of
artificial persona.
These are often the roles we've assumed,
but they're not the essential us
that we brought with us into this incarnation
and will carry with us 
when our body no longer serves us.

That essence is elusive for most people,
at least to glimpse their own,
but it will play peek-a-boo with you
when you least expect it
and it may shine outward so others can see it
like a holy light.

I wonder if, when you catch those glimpses,
you expressed gratitude toward your Soul
and the creative force from which it emanated,
would it -- like the Muse -- appear more often?

A noble experiment.


Lea said…
I am going to experiment with what you've shared here... and look... for the hidden messages today. Thank you Meri for these wise words and your beautiful artmaking.
Anonymous said…
Fantastic! And I see those purple iris leaves. This is a great idea!

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