Share the Joy: I'm Back

Last week it was hopeless
to post --- my internet connection was just gone.
Turns out the ethernet adapter was blown,
but for right now, at least, I can get on blogger.

Now there's a reason for joy.

What else?

Passing through the tunnel
on the Bridge of Glass
always makes me pause
and smile.

The majesty of sunsets over the Olympic Mountains
makes me sigh
and shiver in delight that I live in such
a beautiful place.

Fall colors give me joy,
even though I know the rainy days are coming.

How pretty is this little maple tree,
all blazed out in oranges and reds?
After all, it's the first day of October
and time to wear a coat of many colors.

How are you cultivating joy? 
Celebrate it.
Share it.


1. do a post that tells and shows what gives you joy.
2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into 
the Mr. Linky box along with your info.

3. Visit other players and let their joy infect you.

Leave them a comment because everyone
 enJOYS getting positive feedback.

Let's keep the epidemic of JOY going!


Unknown said…
Wow those are gorgeous shots Meri, where is this wonderful bridge of glass?

Have a lovely weekend!
Leovi said…
Wonderful colors and textures, wonderful three! Beautiful photos!
Anonymous said…
My old location: the beach was my joy. Just moved a few weeks ago, and my joy now is the forest and animals I keeps seeing:)
Ah, am still not living North enough in Calif. to see such vibrant Fall colors!
Anonymous said…
His creation is marvelous! Thank you for the beautiful pictures. :)

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