Share the Joy: Blue Jays

A couple of days ago, I hung a new block of high protein suet from a limb on the birch tree. I got a good scolding from a Stellar Jay who'd been sitting in a nearby tree. "Get outa here," he screamed, as I inched my way to the tree, greasy block of fat and seeds in hand. But a couple of minutes later, three gorgeous, noisy jays were flitting from branch to branch, and diving down for a snack. Sheer joy -- except that they wouldn't sit still for a photo. So I had to settle for this photo (owner unknown) from a bird identification site. Other sources of joy? Nashville's on tonight. My new display cabinet and media center were delivered today and look even better than I anticipated. The real estate market has picked up a bit and I've had -- or will have -- three showings within a week by Saturday afternoon. No offers yet, but I'm keeping fingers crossed and St. Joseph in the garden, s...