Share the Joy

During this week of lingering sniffles,
sneezes, and coughs,
I've found JoY
in having furry lap blankets

and stacks of these.

I finished Train Dreams, a novella my book club is reading, 
and a couple of other things.

What sparked the fire of joy in you this week?

Notice joy.
Cultivate it.
Celebrate it.
Share it.

1. do a post that tells and shows what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into 
the Mr. Linky box along with your info.

3. Visit other players and let their joy infect you.
Leave them a comment because everyone
 enJOYS getting positive feedback.

Let's keep the epidemic of JOY going!


4 Lettre Words said…
With ragweed at an all-time-high, lots of that going on around here, too. :( Hope the rest of your week is wonderful, Meri!
Mascha said…
Oh yes, the purring of a cat and the heat can be beneficial.
Get well soon :-)
Unknown said…
I recognize the JOY in your share. Love that pile of books.
Kim Mailhot said…
You almost make me wish I had a cold ! Good self-care, sweetie !
Hope you feel all better soon.
Happy Thursday !
Karen said…
Snuggling pets are always welcome when one doesn't feel well.
deb did it said…
missing our chats...soon my friend, soon !
kt40s said…
i just love that you share your joy!!
what a beautiful snugly friend you've got:)
A very beautiful lap blanket.......enjoy the rest!
Thanks for hosting this Meri,it's a lovely idea.

Happy Thursday!
Unknown said…
Every painting is a journey for me. My joy this week was to put some color in a greyish painting - now it looks like I'm going in the right direction with it.
jesh StG said…
Hi, number 13 didn't come out -it's my artblog with a watercolor from Utah, but linky tool said that there's no image on there, so I loaded up the image from my computer. Sorry, I don't know what to do next. Jesh StG
Unknown said…
You fixed it! Thanks so much:)

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