Share the Joy: Averting Disaster

My joy post will be a little on the light side this week. On Monday morning, I woke and, as usual, went up to my office to check email but found a message that said, more or less, "Your hard drive is toast. Back up your files and find an electronics recycle station." So I went and bought an external drive and clicked on the button to have the computer do a back-up automatically. It failed four separate times. Oh no, I thought, it's if I can't find a way around this obstacle. I'd backed up my document files a while ago, but there was a lot of writing done on my memoir and the manuscript I'm almost finished with called Riding the Divorce Roller Coaster . I breathed deeply and tried not to imagine the worst. I can always write on a I thought, and that brought a smile to my face. But not as big a smile as starting the hours-long process of manually saving all the stuff on the dying swan of a...