Share the Joy: Back in the Saddle Again

With the plethora of tasks associated
with selling one house (please sell soon)
and buying another,
a lot of stuff got put on the back burner.

Art got ditched in favor of packing.
Blogging and even more serious writing
 was ignored and organizing was prioritized.

But it gives me great joy to know
that I'm returning to the creative well
and taking a big long drink.

Yesterday I made my first Polyvore collage
in the last month.

It felt incredibly freeing to let go of all the "have to's"
and do something just for the pure pleasure of it.

So what pushed your joy button this week?

Notice joy.
Cultivate it.
Celebrate it.
Share it.

1. do a post that tells and shows what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into 
the Mr. Linky box along with your info.

3. Visit other players and let their joy infect you.
Leave them a comment because everyone
 enJOYS getting positive feedback.

Let's keep the epidemic of JOY going!


4 Lettre Words said…
Well, it turned out beautifully! Praying the house sells very quickly...
Anonymous said…
Meri, it looks like your spirit soared with this collage. Creating is JOY - Yes?

Blessings for a quick house sale, and easy moving,

Unknown said…
Prayer from here also, to sell the house. Been there. Beautiful creation. You got you mojo back.
Kim Mailhot said…
Brava for taking time for the much needed want-to's. Funny how those can some times become have-to's if we don't do them periodically. ;-)
The collage is amazing !
Putting good juju around the house selling bit!
Happy Thursday, Ms Meri !
Karen said…
I love your collage! I hope your house sells soon!
deb did it said…
I know what a breath of fresh air it is to create again. Somehow it is like hitting the refresh button, right? Sending good selling Karma your way.
Hazel said…
Organizing pays; it's worth it. I'm with you on letting go of the "have to's and doing something just for the pleasure of it." When I do that I find myself enjoying the feeling. What a lovely collage. The colors give a sense of calm and I like that.

She Who Doodles said…
Good luck with the sale. Glad you are taking time for pleasure. I feel like a kid in the candy store since I retired. Surely there is something I have to do.
kt40s said…
you are rocking your inner artist meri!! YAY!
xoxo katy
Relyn Lawson said…
I've been a bad blogger lately, but tonight I decided to visit some old blogging friends. So, here I am. Visiting you. Hello, friend.

Gorgeous collage. As ever.

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