Share the Joy:Spread the Metta

Today was the World Day of Metta.
People took time from their day
to pray for the world.

May all beings have fresh clean water to drink.
May all beings have food to eat.
May all beings have a home.
May all beings have someone to share love with.
May all beings know their true purpose.
May all beings be well and happy.
May all beings be free from suffering.
Today, I shall do what I can to make this so. 

Can you imagine the JOY
inherent in shared intentions
of thousands across the globe?

I can.
You can, too.

What was your source of joy this week? 

1. do a post that tells and shows what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into 
the Mr. Linky box along with your info.

3. Visit other players and let their joy infect you.
Leave them a comment because everyone
 enJOYS getting positive feedback.

Let's start an epidemic of JOY!


foxysue said…
And I'm going to join you Meri. There is a famous supermarket here in the UK, their mantra is 'every little helps'. I view our little on-line spaces in this way, we make a super-strong network for this 'Metta'prayer!

Namaste x

BTW This sets my day am off to yoga this morning.
4 Lettre Words said…
What a lovely prayer!
Jane said…
Beautiful Post with strong, clear intentions- thank you!
Laura said…
beautiful Meri... may all beings know love and joy in their hearts and offer this experience to others freely.
I got to go to a very historic home on Sanibel Island and it brought me so much JOY...a very rare treat indeed. I hope you enjoy it. THanks for the party.
Kim Mailhot said…
I say the Metta at the end of every meditation I do. There is something very soulful and joyous to send out such messages of love to the Universe and feel it resonate.
Beautiful joy here today, Lovely Meri !
Anonymous said…
I can...and in my yoga practice today will send this metta prayer out to join you and the rest of the world.

It is one thing we CAN do.

Unknown said…
Om Mani Pad Meh Hung :)
Leovi said…
Yes, this sculpture exudes great serenity.
Boo and Kari said…
I just discovered your blog and I've really enjoyed reading it. I was unable to link an image, not sure why. Perhaps next week I'll be a little more adept. Have a blessed week!
Nonnie said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nonnie said…
sorry, Meri, about deleting my first comment! I'd forgotten that I'd moved here from Irene's site and had commented about her painting and your prayer. yikes I love the prayer; it covers everything! I like the photo.
Irene Rafael said…
I felt the universal connection and connecting through your post. Lovely community you have created.
Irene Rafael said…
I felt the universal connection and connecting through your post. Lovely community you have created.
rochambeau said…
Thank you! Beautiful metta! Yes I will !!


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