Share the Joy Thursday: A Walk in Downtown Seattle

It's time to think JOY. What moved you this week? For me, it was a dynamite pair of heels from a Seattle designer named Luly Yang who does custom evening wear and bridal and other things too and always has drop-dead gorgeous shop windows that never fail to grab my attention but this time I went in to look around (and immediately wished I was a size 2 and would fit into a couple of cocktail dresses that were samples from her collection and on sale for half price) SO budget still intact, I continued on to my continuing legal education that was interesting and thought-provoking, and best of all FREE because I'm a member of the World Peace Through Law Section of the bar assn. After the CLE was over, I saw this interesting sculpture on the way to a joyful lunch with my elder son Then, after hearing the work and family news, I drove back to Tacoma for my final meeting as a Trustee of the Tacoma Art Museum but found I had a few minutes to brows...